Monday, February 19, 2007


There’s this train. It’s called the marriage train. Everyone I know is on it, and it feels like they’re waiting for me to get on. Especially the boy. It’s like he’s trying to tell me, “This train is pulling away from the station and you’re either on it or your not.”

I don’t want to be on the train. I’m not even very sure I want to leave the station. But I don’t know if that’s an option anymore. If I’m at the station, I’m there for a reason, and that reason is presumably to catch the train. But why would I be there to catch a train I don’t necessarily want to ride on? Maybe I’m just at the station to pick someone up or meet someone there. But nobody ever thinks of that, do they? No. I’m expected to catch the train and get with the program. But I’m afraid if I get on the train, I’m going to panic and step off and get into my tuck and roll position once it’s pulled away from the station.

I don’t think I’m ready to catch this train. I just don’t want to take that train ride yet. Did anyone bother to ask me if I’d rather catch a cab or take a flight or maybe just drive? Maybe that's not open for discussion. Catching that train is just how it’s done. Why would you want to do it any other way?


Froyd said...

you could...ROB...the train. And have a getaway horse and all.

nrlaumei said...

I like my version -- I call it Running Through the Field Barefoot. Sometimes we get to wave at people on passing trains, but mostly we just enjoy the fresh air.

It's good to see you blogging again. :)