Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mitt Romney

Could someone please explain to me why I hate this man?

I hate him. I don't even know if I can bring myself to say I intensely dislike him because my disgust with him is so irrationally fierce.

Whenever I hear anything about him, I get insanely worked up.

This is all entirely too odd because the man's a Mormon. You would think I'd be the chairman of his campaign.

But no. And in fact, the mere suggestion of such a thing makes me squirmy on oh-so-many levels.

It's gotten so bad, that were it to come down to him and Hilary for the 2008 presidential race, I'd plaster my car with "Hilary for President" bumper stickers and wait impatiently for Bill to take over as First Man.


Froyd said...

maybe because he's so two faced that he's a massachusetts democrat(inherently evil) and trying to use his religion and his family to convince the GOP that he'd make a good republican candidate?

He MAY be everything that's wrong about politics wrapped up into one person.

Sue said...

That's exactly it.

I'm so glad somebody understands me.

Loralee Choate said...

How come I'm always late to the party? Oh, YAH it's because bloglines is a STUPID HEAD.

Eh. I don't know that I hate Mitt. I do hate the load of email it generates asking my opinion of him.

Frankly, I think it is the perfect hair that bothers me, but I'm not sure.

Besides, he doesn't have a prayer. He is up against huge names and considering that about 37% of the Christian right would rather see Satan in line for President than a Mormon, he is going to have major difficulty getting the nomination.

My Profile said...

Frankly, I'd rather vote for one of Satan's dominions (Romney) than the Devil herself (Clinton).