Thursday, March 29, 2007

And another five

Things for which I am thankful...

1. The fact that my boss didn't call into work today so I didn't have to waste 30 minutes on the phone listening to him tell me to do things I already did three weeks ago and have him think out loud over the phone to me saying things like, "Uh...yeah, don't remember what I was going to say." REALLY?

2. Special K Breakfast Bars. Those things are CRAAAAAZY tasty. As in, Fried Chicken crazy tasty. But they don't taste like fried chicken. They tast completely different. Just really good.

3. My coworkers who make my job and life a little less boring and a little more tolerable.

4. People that don't drive stupidly. Like not trying to figure out if they can turn right on a green light. Those people that don't waste my time being stupid kinda rock.

5. People that speak well. Then I don't have to obsessively correct their grammar. And their stupidity. "That flashlight is broke. I had came to pick you up. I had went to find you." I would like to thank all the people out there who do not speak like this.

This is all for today. Pretty sure it's only day three and I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Joel said...

dat dare is a good list.

and oh my gosh, #4 is so true

keep it up, it is a novel thing that more of us should do.

Froyd said...

Hmmm...methinks some of these are actually complaints cleverly disguised as "thanks"

Well played Sue, well played.

Anonymous said...

Hahahhahhahahahahahaha! GOOD POINT, Froyd!
